Bank name ČSOB a.s.
Bank account 282503545/0300
Invoice number 750000012675
Variable symbol 750000012675
Constant symbol 0308
remspace a.s.
U Nikolajky 1085/15
150 00 Praha 5
Tax ID: 28224451
VAT ID: CZ28224451
15003 Praha 5
Tax ID: 12345678
VAT ID: CZ12345678
Zapsáno v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze V 13824
Invoice date 14. 12. 2021
Due date 01. 01. 1970
Real payment date 14. 12. 2021
Payment method Bank transfer

On the basis of your registration dated 14. 12. 2021, we are pleased to invoice you for the participation fee for the event

Item Price/Mu. Quantity Price excl. tax Tax rate
1 Participation fee 1813 Kč 1 1498 Kč 21%
Total price excl. tax 1498 Kč
Total tax 315 Kč
Total price 1813 Kč
Total price to pay 1813 Kč